First of all: Hi to everyone!

I'm new to GWT and just programming my first app. Since i've some
experience in Java it's not a big problem, but in this case i am stuck
and hopefully someone can help me.

In my app i make a RPC: On server side i get some data out of a
database and save it into an array of type String. Up to 10.000
Strings atm, later on maybe up to 50.000. It is no problem so far. The
server is handling this really fast. I measured 5 RPCs with about 500
Strings each and it took less time than 200 milliseconds each (SQL
Statement + creating the array).

The problem now is: I have to wait 5 SECONDS to get the results of the
RPC (the String[] created on the server) on the client side so i can
do something with them. Regarding the overall time i measured, these 5
seconds are more than 75% of the time which my app needs. Is it
possible that the serialization and deserialization takes that much
time? I don't think so and i have no clue where this 5 seconds come
from. If someone has any ideas, solutions, suggestions on this problem
i would appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance,

P.s.: Of course i searched for a solution for this problem for hours,
if i somehow just typed the wrong keywords to get the fitting results,
just let me know and post a link :-).

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