Found it on Google. No Solaris yet. Starred issue 609. Peter

2009/4/6, Peter Ondruška <>:
> Thank you. Shall I download GWT for Mac or Linux? I will try Linux and
> will let you know if it really runs on Open/Solaris. Peter
> 2009/4/6, hazy1 <>:
>> Wow, you actually develop on Solaris?  I think your kind will soon be
>> extinct.
>> You realize that GWT runs just fine on Solaris....right?
>> On Apr 5, 12:02 pm, Peter Ondruška <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Are there any plans to provide GWT for Solaris? If not is it OK to
>>> request this by creating bug a let vote/star for it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Peter
>> >>

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