Ok, thanks for all the replies, I seem to have solved the problem.

Answering the suggestions I have to say: I am using command line tools
only, proj2 had a module gwt.xml and proj1 module gwt.xml was
inheriting proj2 module file so the problem was in other place.

I am not familiar with ant's build.xml. I understood the problem was
classpath related so I was trying to add proj2 source tree to the
classpath and tried reloading the hosted browser but what I forgot is
that the hosted browser doesn't parse build.xml again on a refresh, it
is build.xml which launches the hosted browser so the problem was the
changes I made to build.xml where not being reflected until I rerun

I added the following pathelement tag inside the hosted target:

  <target name="hosted" depends="javac" description="Run hosted mode">
    <java failonerror="true" fork="true"
          <pathelement path="/proj2/src/"/>

I think that was all, hope it still works and that the problem was
what I think it was.


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