Hello all,

Here's what I have:
- I have a bunch of XML file on a server describing data, and a bunch
of XSL file defining transformations to HTML code.
- Each XML file contains the reference to its dedicated timesheet (so
that basically, using a browser to view the XML file will render it
more or less correctly).

Here's what I want:
I want the browser's native XSLT processor to apply the XSL
transformations to the XML file, so that I can inject the resulting
HTML code within another page.

Here's what I've done:
So far I am using the RequestBuilder to fetch the XML file, which
works OK, but of course the response's content is the raw XML file,
and not the processed result. Which makes sense (I guess, otherwise
that could be pretty annoying in other cases).
My question is, how do I, preferably from GWT, have the browser's
native XSLT processor do its magic and then get the result to inject

Any ideas or suggestions?

In the meantime, because I didn't find anything to do this so far (but
I might have missed it in the docs), I was thinking of improting
ajaxslt-0.8.1 [1] in my GWT module and call it using JSNI, as it seems
it is powerful enough to process my stylesheets.
(but I would have to modify both the stylesheets and the XML files to
remove the declarations, or maybe remove them dynamically)
Another possibility was to use Johann Burkard's excellent
"xslt.js" [2] library, which wraps the native XSLT processor of the
browser, but I would have preferred a more "GWT-only" solution, in
case there's already one.

Thanks in advance for the help.

[1] http://code.google.com/p/ajaxslt/
[2] http://johannburkard.de/software/xsltjs/

Laurent Malvert
Analyst Programmer
 Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
 Office of Institutional Advancement

 p: +61-2-9850-1385
 m: +61-4-1095-7130
 e: laurent.malv...@mq.edu.au
 w: http://www.comp.mq.edu.au/

 CRICOS Provider No 00002J

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