It turns out that's exactly the world we live in, Ian!

On Firefox 3, you can keep JavaScript from resizing your window with:
Preferences > Content > Enable JavaScript > Advanced > "Allow scripts
to Move or resize existing windows".

But if you want your site to resize the window from a GWT application,
you can use JSNI and call: $wnd.resizeTo(width, height).

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 10:07 AM, Ian Bambury<> wrote:
> It's so that when I have arranged my windows as I want them, I don't get
> some web site buggering it all up.
> Your web site doesn't own my browser. I do. If I were possible to have 10
> tabs and every one of them changed the size of the browser window, then
> there would be an option in the browser to turn that behaviour off, and
> *everyone* would use it.
> Ian
> 2009/6/24 Piotr Kirklewski <>
>> Hi there
>> Does anyone knows how to size the Browser Window at the module load ?
>> I was looking at Window. methods but I didn;t found anything like it.
>> Window.setTitle("My Window"); work perfectly so I don;t get why there
>> isno setSize method available ?
>> Best regards
>> Peter

Alex Rudnick
swe, gwt, atl

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