Hi all.

I've been trying to get a nice setup of the best practices presented
at google i/o. I have something working, but a few questions.

The first one is how fine-grained do you go for the events you define?
Say i have events for updates in entities A and B in my model:
UpdatedAEvent, UpdatedBEvent. To prevent creating new event classes
for every entity i might add, i liked the idea of using generics after
looking at the source code of GWT.

Classes like:
public class ModelUpdatedEvent<V> extends
GwtEvent<ModelUpdatedHandler<V>> {
private static Type<ModelUpdatedHandler<?>> TYPE;
public static Type<ModelUpdatedHandler<?>> getType() {
  if (TYPE == null) {
    TYPE = new Type<ModelUpdatedHandler<?>>();
  return TYPE;

But then i guess i can't use them with an event bus (the
HandlerManager)? I lack complete understand of generics and wildcards,
but assuming the class doesn't know the type, this won't work right?
eventBus.addHandler(ModelUpdatedEvent.getType(), ...)

I'll gladly take pointers to examples or explanations of how i could
use generics here.

The second point is regarding dependency injection. I got it working
for things implementing interfaces, to which i bind implementations.
But how do you go for the HandlerManager for example? I've tried
making it a singleton as in:
    protected void configure() {

but i get "No @Inject or default constructor found for class

Same if i use .in(Singleton.class). I've seen that GWT should fallback
to GWT.create when there's no injection available, but if i don't
mention the HandlerManager in my injector it also fails.

Thanks in advance. I'm having fun with GWT :-)

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