Hi Adam,

Thanks for all the great ideas. I also think it has to do with images
not being fully loaded. This has been my biggest hurdle with GWT. I
tend to use a lot of images, and rely a lot on image sizes, but they
aren't very reliable because of the fact that the image could be
initialized, without being downloaded yet. I didn't know Load Handlers
existed. That stinks it doesn't work well with IE. I think I do need
to look into using the CSS more with %'s.

Thanks again for all the ideas!


On Jun 28, 5:02 am, Adam T <adam.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You can generally hook into when a widget is ready in the DOM by
> overriding it's onLoad() method.
> However, if you have Images you need to do more work as whilst the DOM
> aspect of the Image widget may be ready in DOM it may not have size as
> the actual image is not downloaded yet - your resizing is most likely
> working a second time around as images are also already cached and
> available immediately.
> I can think of two options of the top of my head, there are probably
> more
> a) use LoadHandlers on your Image(s) these will tell you when the
> Image has loaded and then you can trigger your resize (however, it's
> not 100% perfect with IE and the current version of GWT 
> -http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=863&q=ie...)
> b) enforce Image size using CSS either directly on the Image, or put
> the Image widget in another container (SimplePanel, for example) and
> set Image to 100% and size of SimplePanel to what you require through
> c) do what you're doing with a timer until approach in (a) is fixed in
> gwt
> I wonder though if you can't achieve what you want just by using
> percentages in Style Sheet....
> Hope that helps
> //Adam
> On 27 Juni, 16:42, Sean <slough...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm having trouble with pictures loading fully to know a widgets full
> > size. I have my main website component as a Composite. It's got quite
> > a few pictures, including one large one. I place this main component
> > on an Absolute Panel. I have a Resize Listener to figure out how big
> > the Client Window is, and if it's larger then the main component, make
> > the Absolute Panel as big as the Client window and put the main
> > component in the middle of the ABS.
> > It works perfectly when the page is cached, however, if it's not, the
> > size of the main component can be anywhere from 0-300-to1044(it's full
> > size) depending on what's loaded the first time I try to arrange them
> > all together.
> > How can I, besides using a timer with an arbitrary time, know when all
> > of the main component's sub-components are loaded to know when to call
> > the resize function?
> > Thank you!
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