On 29 juin, 20:13, Paul van Hoven <paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com>
> It is definetly the size of one single XYZ.cache.hml file. If i cannot
> split up this cache file even when using separate modules this means
> that the user has to download initially 412K? Because then the user
> had to wait quite long before he could see anything and in turn had to
> download parts of the application which he would probably not going to
> use.
> And with GWT 2.0 i could split up the app? After googling for runasync
> i found that this function seems to do exactly what i want. Is it
> already recommendable to use GWT 2.0 in this early stadium of
> development?

Given that Google uses it for publicly accessible services (Google
Code Documentation Reader, Google Moderator, etc.) and for Google
Wave, I'd say yes (I'd use a snapshot-* branch if I were you); but it
all depends on your release schedule.
For instance, if I were starting an app to be released after the
summer, I'd probably go with the trunk.
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