In case this helps others, for us it turned out to be a problem with
compression and IE6.  We turned off compression for IE6 user-agents
and the problem went away.

On May 21, 5:55 pm, Joel Friedman <> wrote:
> I am also experiencing a very similar problem, though with a few
> differences.  It consistently occurs with users behind a corporate
> firewall using IE6 on the first page load when IE has an empty cache.
> Refreshing the page works and as long as the cache isn't cleared, all
> subsequent page loads work.  I have been unable to duplicate the
> problem in a development environment setting up test proxies and
> firewalls so I amnotsure what it is about the environment, but it
> has occured at multiple companies.   I am unable to try IE7 or any
> other browser at those companies so I amnotsure if this strictly an
> IE6 issue ornot.  I verifed from the server logs that all the right
> files are being fetched and did a similar trick to what Steve
> described to verify that onModuleLoad() isnotbeingcalled.  If I add
> some javascript to reload the page when it detects that onModuleLoad()
> hasnotbeencalled, then it works but that feels too hacky for
> production.  Other than upgrading to 1.6 (I am also on 1.5.3), any
> suggestions?  Thanks.
> - Joel
> On May 15, 3:17 pm, Joel Webber <> wrote:
> > Steve,
> > I can't seem to reproduce the problem on my end, but for what it's worth,
> > latching with a timeout like that is going to be pretty brittle in practice.
> > Here's an alternative formulation that won't be flaky:
> > HTML:
> >   <script>
> >   function onGwtAppLoaded() {
> >     alert("w00t!");
> >   }
> >   </script>
> > Java:
> >   public void onModuleLoad() {
> >     setLoaded();
> >   }
> >   public native void setLoaded() /*-{
> >     if ($wnd.onGwtAppLoaded) {
> >       $wnd.onGwtAppLoaded();
> >     }
> >   }-*/;
> > This works because the GWT linkers all make the guarantee that
> > onModuleLoad() willnotbecalleduntil the DOM is "ready" (i.e. all the DOM
> > elements, including the body, are fully-evaluated, including scripts). So
> > there's no chance that onGwtAppLoaded() will *not* be defined when
> > onModuleLoad() iscalled.
> > Hope this helps,
> > joel.
> > On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Steve M <> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I am seeing a problem in Internet Explorer whereby it appears that
> > > onModeulLoad() doesnotgetcalled.
> > > In the HTML ive added the following to highlight the problem...
> > > <script>
> > > var t=setTimeout("testLoaded()",30000);
> > > function testLoaded()
> > > {
> > >    if (window.Loaded==undefined)
> > >    {
> > >        alert("onloaddidnt run");
> > >    }
> > > }
> > > </script>
> > > My GWT code...
> > >    public void onModuleLoad()
> > >    {
> > >        setLoaded();
> > >        ... now initialise the GWT
> > >    }
> > >    public native void setLoaded()
> > >    /*-{
> > >          $wnd.Loaded = "loaded";
> > >    }-*/;
> > > Intermitently using Internet Explorer, it simply fails to call the
> > > onModuleLoad() method, and you get the "onloaddidnt run" method.
> > > Any ideas on this one? Seems quite a serious flaw.
> > > GWT version: 1.5.3
> > > IE: 7.0.5730.11IC
> > > thanks, Steve M
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