On Jun 29, 7:37 pm, Ian Bambury <ianbamb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do you want
> the bottom of the image and the bottom of the textbox to be in line (this is
> what I am understanding from what you have said).

Something like that. In effect, what I want is a lot like the "search
line" in google docs:
logo + textbox + button

I have tried various combinations, including putting the textbox &
button in their own horizontal panel. The reason I did this is because
the button is taller than the textbox on IE. (In fact, on IE every
component seems too big). I have this latter horizontal panel bottom-
aligned, and the widget themselves middle-aligned. The overall effect
is like this:

|image|  |textbox(slightly above baseline)|  |button (bottom on
baseline and top slightly above textbox's top)|

(Hoping I'm being clear...)

Anyway, I lost a good 10 hours on this problem so far. True I'm new to
all this, but it's a lot. I feel at this point it's more than enough
time spent on a single (simple?) problem. Sure, I wanted to be a good
boy and keep the code and presentation separated. However, I think
I'll keep the setHorizontalAlignments in the code because it's the
only thing that works.

Unless you have a better idea... to which I'm very open, I want to

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