On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Kwhit<kwhitting...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm following your work with interest Eduardo, I'm in the process of
> building a 'dream-team reference application' myself including RPC,
> EasyMock, GIN, Guice, ... so I can unit test and hack end-to-end
> without deploying on a server.
Good, my idea is the same as yours, we will surely share knowledge and
experiences there.

> Here's question / comment...
> I don't understand the go() method on the presenter impl classes. Take
> for example mainPresenter.go(): it does a bit of widget composition
> adding the menu and returns the view which is the job of getView().
> Then in go() you call menuPresenter.showMenu() which doesn't actually
> show the menu but instead it returns the view which is again the job
> of MenuPresenterImpl.getView().

My idea with the "go" method is to be an entry point, a place to
initialize something else that shouldn't or couldn't be initialized in
the constructor. Considering the MainPresenter the implementation is
very simple, the composition could be defined in the constructor, but
I felt more comfortable to define it in the "go" method. It returns
the view just for convenience.

Actually I'm thinking about the needed of the "getView" method, that's
something I would talk with you guys. If I will have an entry point
like the method "go" returning the View, is it really necessary to
create a getView method?

Please, take a look in the presenter "IssueEditPresenter". There you
will find two entry points, one for new issues (View createIssue())
and another one to edit already-created issue (View editIssue(Issue

Yesterday I updated the source code, so please, consider the latest version.

Thanks at all, let's discuss about it and together let's find a good solution ;)

> My guess is you are (like me) having some problems in the last metre
> of the 100m just glueing the application together. I don't have a nice
> answer for that yet...

Yes, that's the meaning of this application, try to define a bootstrap
to integrate all of these frameworks using MVP, DI, Command Pattern (I
didn't include it yet because I think it's better to fit the MVP
integration early.

> >

Eduardo S. Nunes

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