Again, I have answered my own question after a lot of brain straining
and head banging.

It suddenly occurred to me that even in satelittle modudle you still
need to specify the *.client and *.server packages to seperate out the
logic of that you want GWT to compile and that you dont.

Putting my Manager classes into a mypackage.server package sorted it.

On 22 July, 16:43, JonJ27 <> wrote:
> I have solved my original issue by creating a module.gwt.xml in the
> project i wish to reference and then use the <inherits name> in my
> main GWT project which sorts out my own class compile errors.
> Howvere there is now another issue.
> My other project is a JPA project and now when i do the GWT compile.
> I get....
> Compiling module
>    Refreshing module from source
>       Validating newly compiled units
>          Removing units with errors
>             [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/Files/IBM/RAD/GoogleWebToolkit/
> StockWatcherJPA/src/uk/co/acl/client/entities/controller/
>                [ERROR] Line 27: No source code is available for type
> javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; did you forget to inherit a
> required module?
>                [ERROR] Line 33: No source code is available for type
> javax.persistence.EntityManager; did you forget to inherit a required
> module?
>                [ERROR] Line 35: No source code is available for type
> javax.persistence.Persistence; did you forget to inherit a required
> module?
>                [ERROR] Line 133: No source code is available for type
> javax.persistence.Query; did you forget to inherit a required module?
>    Compiling 6 permutations
>       Permutation compile succeeded
>    Linking into war
>       Link succeeded
>    Compilation succeeded -- 14.969s
> I have tried allsorts to resolve this.
> Anybody have any suggestions / ideas.??
> Thanks
> JJ
> On 22 July, 15:02, JonJ27 <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I am very new to GWT and am trying to POC the way forward for new
> > development. I am really hoping to be able to tell my boss this is the
> > way we are going to do it from now on.. because GWT looks really neet
> > even if the EventBus etc looks a little dauting. Anyway.. i digress
> > I have sucessfully managed to get the StockWatcher app running and got
> > it using RPC to my websphere appserver.
> > I had it configured with my GWT classes and my persistence (OpenJPA in
> > this instance) and entitiy classes  in the same project. Now i want to
> > split those projects out into 2 seperate ones, i.e. StockWatcher war
> > and StockWatcherJPA. Essentially i want my entities to reside in the
> > JPA project.
> > I believe my project references are setup correctly however when i try
> > and do a GWT Compile i get errors stating No source code is available
> > for my Entity class (which resides in my JPA project).
> > Now i think that i need to configure my source path, or inherit
> > another module (?? maybe I am wrong) but i cant figure out how to do
> > this.
> > I hope that makes sense and hope that someone can push me in the right
> > direction.
> > Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> > Cheers
> > JJ
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