Hi Ankur,

Could it be that you are using ImageBundle in your application ? We
had similar issues when using ImageBundle, even though we only had a
very small collection of images.



On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:51 PM, ankur jain<xs4an...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi joel...do u hav any suggestion regarding this??
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 10:57 PM, ankuur <xs4an...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> hi
>> We are using the gwt 2.0 code from gwt trunk.And we hav seen a drastic
>> improvement in the page loading especially in case of IE(6 and
>> 7).Actully breaking the compiled code into the multiple <script> tag
>> did the trick.
>> But now we are facing the browser memory problem.Actully our total
>> compiled script size(in OBF mode)
>> is more than 3 MB.As we use the application the browser memory keeps
>> on increasing and sometimes it even reached to the 700MB.
>> We tried to profile the application using the javascript tool(like
>> firebug) but of no use because the only provides the performance
>> metrics and not any memory leaks.
>> Now we are trying to profile the gwt in the OOPHM mode while
>> debugging.Its helpful and we are able to find some of the problems in
>> our code.But actully during debugging time most of the refrences are
>> held by gwt code(mainly by JavaDispatchImpl class and by the static
>> variable in RootPanel i.e. widgetstoDetach) and also all the asynccall
>> backs are held by RequestBuilder.
>> We are assuming that these refrences wont be hold in the compiled
>> mode,because all the classes we see are the debugger classes.But its
>> making that profiling very tedious as we need to search what refrences
>> are held by the gwt and where our classes are keeping refrence.
>> I dont know we are going through correct approch fpr profiling or is
>> there any other way so that we can check all the memory leaks and
>> reduce the memory footprint of our application in the browser.
>> Any help in this heartly welcomed.And also if we can reduce the objects
>> (especially all the RPCs callbacks) then actully we can reduce the
>> meomory used during debugging and it might help in mking it faster.
>> regards
>> ankur
> >

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