For my non-trivial GWT O3D(JS) App I need to split the code into a (1)
Java library and a (2) GWT Project using that library. (1) and (2) are
created as projects inside Eclipse (3.4.2, GWT 1.7, App Engine 1.2.2,
JDK 1.6.0_13); (1) is a regular Java project, (2) was created using
the GWT wizard.

I can compile (2) successfully which contains 1 reference to (1) (an
Interface (I)).

But at run-time in Hosted Mode I get the message that  'No source code
is available for ...' that Interface (I).

After several tries with source and export paths I tried to create a
JAR explicitly for (1) in the war/WEB-INF/lib directory of (2) and
found that for some reason I don't know no JAR is created whatever I'm
trying. Also there are no error logs for this process at all.

So now I believe that my obvious 'GWT problem' isn't a GWT issue at
all, but maybe a general Eclipse problem, assuming that GWT uses the
same mechanisms to create the war stuff. (is this assumption true?)

I spent several hours on this - and as pretty out of ideas - are
asking for your help. My feeling is that this a minor thing as
creating a JAR out of some Java sources is some pretty fundamental
stuff, isn't?! Thanx in advance


Have to say that I'm pretty new to JS, Java, Eclipse, GWT. So don't
kill me if there's a stupid thing I did. On the other hand I already
asked an Eclipse guy who didn't find a solution until now...
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