If you can, install ethereal (it has a new name) on  the client and
monitor your server logs at the same time. That usually helps in
issues like this.


On Jul 31, 9:09 am, Chris <chrish...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an interesting problem that I'm not sure how to debug.  Any
> pointers would be helpful.
> I have an application where the user logs in and then is presented
> with a menu of actions.  This application works just about everywhere
> just fine.
> However, today I ran into an instance on 1 computer where it doesn't.
> I'm trying to figure out why the app stops working on this computer.
> What happens is:
> a) the user logins in and I see the tx on the server
> b) I see the response on the client (using firebug in firefox 3.5)
> Once the client gets the response, nothing.  I have tried to set break
> on error (in firefub) to no avail, nothing is executed - or at least
> throwing an error that is caught by firebug.  Nothing appears in the
> firefox console nor the firebug console.
> Has anyone seen anything like this?  Any pointers on how to even debug
> this?  The kicker is the computer is half way around the world.  Wish
> I had physical access to it and not just a VPN connection to it.
> This computer's setup is:
> XP Home Edition SP 2
> Firefox 3.5  / IE 8  / Chrome (and they all of the same problem)
> GWT 1.6
> I have run these browsers (firefox 3.5 is on 100's of my clients so
> that isn't the generic issue) on a lot of different computers and no
> other computer has the same issues.
> Could there be some other software stopping the RPC success from
> evaluating?  Also, the computer is able to run other large js program
> (e.g., gmail).
> Thanks in advance for a pointer,
> Chris....
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