Hi everybody,

I've always feared technologies that work the way GWT does, because if
GWT stops being updated everything built on it will stop working if
users keep updating their browsers. I mean, if I develop an
application with GWT 1.7, which supports FF3.5 for instance and then
GWT stops being developed and FF4 comes out and some of the features
are broken there's nothing I can do to solve it except going native on
that feature.

What do you think of this? What makes you not fear this? I know having
Google behind should be a pretty good guarantee but who knows...
Obviously this concern has no meaning if your customer asks you to
develop an application up to a specific browser version, this way
you're only responsible to support this version, but what if you're
developing for the web, which users you can't control, do you trust

Thank you for your opinion!

Best regards

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