I am not a GWT expert, but I don't think this is possible.

But if you want to make life easier you could use a "ant task" to
automate those jar builds, copying, and classpath updating.

With "ant" you can do most anything you could with a ShellScript, you
know, java project wise.

To help debugging, you can export every jar with the sources inside,
there is a checkbox on the eclipse Jar export wizard.

Boa sorte!

On 14 ago, 10:48, Claudemir  Todo Bom <claude...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to develop a reusable library side-by-side with another
> project? without using any jars?
> for example, i have a GWT in package com.example.application.client
> everything worked on it... then I added a new package to my eclipse
> project, calling it com.example.utils (side question: do I need to put
> client here too?), it didtn't worked... looks like the gwt.xml is all
> fine, but both gwt compiler and host mode refuses to run this way,
> telling that I may forgot to inherit some required module (I did
> placed the <inherit> tag for utils on aplication.gwt.xml)
> I want this to avoid the pain to have to package a jar and import it
> on my application everytime I change my utils library. This way I
> should be able to debug and edit both packages together, then, when
> the library is ready, I can export it to a jar. For now, my library is
> a subpackage of application.
> Best Regards,
> Claudemir
> On Aug 3, 8:28 pm, Sumit Chandel <sumitchan...@google.com> wrote:
> > Hi Lucas,
> > You can follow the steps below to package an existing module, say module A
> > defined in project A, that you want to reuse in another project, say project
> > B that defines module B which itself defines an entrypoint class.
> > 1) Create / move all the GWT code that you want to reuse in project A.
> > 2) Create / update the module XML file for module A in the normal way,
> > except you no longer need to define an entry point class.
> > 3) Create a JAR for project A (project-a.jar), which should include 1) GWT
> > source code that you want to reuse from the project, 2) The module XML file,
> > 3) Any other public resources referenced by the module XML file,  4) The
> > binary .class files for any server-side code that you want to reuse
> > 4) Add the project-a.jar file to the project B classpath, as well as any
> > other launch configurations related to project B (typically hosted mode and
> > compile configurations).
> > 5) Reference the module A xml file from the module B xml file (e.g.
> > <inherits name="com.google.projectA.ModuleA" />). Note that since the module
> > A xml file should already include the <inherits
> > name="com.google.gwt.user.User" /> inherits tag, you shouldn't need to add
> > that reference again to the module B xml file.
> > You should be ready to go. Give those instructions a try and let us know if
> > you managed to package and reuse your module.
> > Hope that helps,
> > -Sumit Chandel
> > On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Lucas Neves Martins 
> > <snown...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > > Nope,
> > > Can anybody give a step-by-step ?
> > > On 29 jul, 10:49, Nuno <brun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > you dont need to do much thing for this...
> > > > just create your gwt library project, you dont need to define any
> > > > entrypoints.
> > > > after, just click with your right button on your project, then export,
> > > then
> > > > select java package
> > > > after you only need to import
> > > > this jar on the other project you want to use it, and on the module
> > > > xml make reference to the xml of the library.
> > > > you can find an example on my blog.http://tcninja.blogspot.com
> > > > On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Lucas Neves Martins <
> > > snown...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > > > > I looked it up all over the internet, but I only found this link :
> > > > >http://developerlife.com/tutorials/?p=229
> > > > > I need to create a .jar with gwt views (those .java in the client
> > > > > package) and then import it to other gwt project, much like they do
> > > > > with the SmartGwt api.
> > > > > How they did the SmartGwt api? Where is the Docs/Tutorial/Whitepapers
> > > > > on how to create and export GWT modules?
> > > > > I follow the instructions on this link above, but it just doesn't
> > > > > work, when I try to compile it, I get an error telling me that the
> > > > > compiler couldn't find the class I am using, even the class is on the 
> > > > > /
> > > > > lib dir, and in my buildpath, and in the .xml with a declared inherit.
> > > > > Does anybody know how do I do that?
> > > > --
> > > > Quer aprender a programar? acompanhe:
> > > > Wants to learn GWT? Follow this blog ->
> > > >http://tcninja.blogspot.com
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