Rajeev Dayal says: ... the next release of GWT will no longer require
that you use a
32-bit JVM. It will support a mode of execution known as
"Out-of-process-hosted-mode". Instead of debugging your application
the hosted browser, you'll be able to debug it while it runs in a real
browser. Since the hosted browser will no longer be required, neither
the 32-bit SWT libraries that we bundle. If you're adventurous, you
can try
out this functionality right now - check out the GWT source, and do a
build. It should work with the plugin.

Good luck!

On 17 ago, 08:59, "Luigi R. Viggiano" <luigi.viggi...@gmail.com>
> Hi.
> I am using Linux 64-Bit (Ubuntu 9.04) with the provided JDK 6 from Sun.
> Is it planned a 64-Bit distro for GWT? Or, as alternative, is GWT 1.7
> "Out-of-process-hosted-mode" ready?
> The reason why I am asking, ist that with this configuration, the -d32
> option in JDK is not working, I think it's an Ubuntu package bug, and
> this leads to problems; for example,
> using hosted mode with maven.
> P.S. I already found this 
> :http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit/browse_thread/threa...
> But I am writing to say that ia32-sun-java6-bin doesn't solve all the
> problems: when you have to compile+run, the 32 bit JRE is not enough
> Thanks. Have a nice day.
> --Luigi
> Luigi R. Viggiano
> Web/Blog:http://www.newinstance.it
> Skype: luigi.viggiano
> My Professional Profile:http://www.linkedin.com/in/viggiano
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