
You should avoid sending so much data between the client and server
and certainly in one RPC call. Right now RPC deserializes in one block
and thus blocks the JS thread from doing anything else.

There is a big rework happening in GWT 2.0 to fix a few of the issues
with RPC of bigger and more complex object types.


On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 2:31 AM, Jason A. Beranek
<jason.bera...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As Thomas Boyer said, there is no way to answer the question of which
> is better performance wise. Assuming serialization technologies are
> equivalent for both performance and message size, all other
> performance costs (e.g., latency, throughput) depend on the server
> environment, including the hardware, software, and application code.
> Likewise, pure request handling performance comes from a combination
> of the performance costs.
> To me, the benefit to GWT RPC is the abstraction provided. Objects in
> the GWT client and server code are the same types, providing some
> productivity benefits when coding since data transfer objects are not
> required. If these productivity benefits are not important to your
> efforts or you have higher productivity working with RequestBuilder
> and Apache/PHP, then Apache/PHP is a good option.
> My two cents,
> Jason
> On Sep 13, 3:37 pm, ben fenster <fenster....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  i know that but i just wanted to know if the  performence margin
>> considering having efficient serialization algoritem could be big
>> enough too be worth the invesment in developing such php server side
>> request handler
>> i also wanted to know about shear power of request handling per
>> second ? , i belive that php combined with apache would prove too be
>> much stronger but i would like too hear from someone that checked it
>> out
>> On Sep 13, 4:16 am, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On 13 sep, 07:50, ben fenster <fenster....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > have anyone checked what is the better way to comunicate with server
>> > > performence wize rpc or RequestBuilder(using php)
>> > It would all depend on your serialization algorithm when not using GWT-
>> > RPC; so there's no real answer to your question.
> >

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