I don't think the plugin does the copying of files..

If development efficiency is your only concern, you should consider using
the oophm plugin provided by GWT. oophm is a browser plugin that allows your
browser to execute java bytecode instead of compile javascript.

oophm with the -noserver argument allows you to run your server code on the
tomcat installed on the cloud; but still manage to execute client side code
from your local machine. Its perfect for rapid development - because you
just modify java code and refresh the browser to see the changes.

More dough on oophm can be found here -


2009/9/16 kbowe...@gmail.com <kbowe...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I have an existing app built with GWT 1.5 which uses RPC to talk to a
> backend running on Tomcat;  the backend makes extensive use of
> ActiveMQ, and is multi-threaded.
> I have been given a related New Front End (gui only; no backend or
> communication yet) which was developed by another engineer using the
> Google Eclipse Plugin on Galilio.
> The goal is to develop an app which uses the New Front End talking to
> a (modification of) the old backend on a Tomcat running on a
> datacenter, with the New Front End running on the Google cloud. As I
> understand things, this is possible.
> My immediate question concerns the development path.  Is is possible
> to configure the Goggle Eclipse plugin (say on Galilio) to use an
> external Tomcat, so that I could do the new development using the
> latest GWT facilities of the plugin?  (My old Eclipse/GWT 1.5 setup is
> somewhat more awkward to use.)
> I set up a Dynamic Web Project which runs my local machine Tomcat 6
> via a Servers launch config, which works, but that isn't a GWT
> project.  Then I imported the  New Front End project into the
> workspace next to (containing) the Dynamic Web Project.  But I don't
> see how to get the New Front End project to deploy to the Tomcat
> server from within Eclipse+Plugin.  If I manually copy the war folder
> for the New Front End to my Tomcat 6 webapps folder, it runs
> properly.  If I have to, I can set up an ant task for that, but it
> would be nice to get the plugin to handle that.  Can it be done?
> Many thanks,
> Ken Bowen
> >

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