David G wrote:
> I haven't been able to Google any answers to why GWT does this or what
> would happen if I removed the jars from the deployment, so was
> wondering if anyone had an answer to why the war keeps including all
> these library jar files, if there is a simple ant script to remove
> them from future war files and if I will face any problems with
> deployment later on by doing this?

It doesn't do that for me. How are you telling GWT about the client 

What I do is to put the client jars in /lib in my project and then add 
them to the build path. Everything builds happily and they're not copied 
to the war directory. The only jars I put in war/WEB-INF/lib are the 
ones that the server is going to use. I've never seen GWT copy stuff 

Note, though, that if you call any function in your client jars *from 
the server*, then the server will need to access them. I don't know what 
happens in this case --- it's never come up for me. It's conceivable 
that this is what's happening with you, and GWT is copying them because 
it thinks they're needed.

┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ "They laughed at Newton. They laughed at Einstein. Of course, they
│ also laughed at Bozo the Clown." --- Carl Sagan

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