Thomas W,

While I am able to reproduce the "stuck" behavior that you describe above, I
would like to put together a smaller code sample to further pinpoint what is
going on under the hood. From a high level it appears that at the heart of
the issue is a FocusPanel that contains one or more AbsolutePanels. That
said, I have a couple of more specific questions:

1. In regards to the last link that you posted ( Demo/panelstreamer.html), could you
be more clear on which widgets make up the UI?
2. What are you using to wrap the background/"space" image?
3. Is the square in the middle of the page the a FocusPanel or some other
4. What CSS or event handlers do you have hooked up to these widgets?

Also, what overall goal are you trying to achieve? Maybe there is a
different way to approach the problem.


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 3:00 PM, ThomasWrobel <> wrote:

> Scratch that, I tried using
> "-moz-user-select:none;" and it stops being selected in Firefox (looks
> neater), but it still gets stuck to the mouse
> I just think that "mouse up" isnt being fired on the underlaying abs
> panel when the user releases the mouse after a drag.
> On Oct 6, 8:51 pm, ThomasWrobel <> wrote:
> > Good idea but no effect.
> > At least, I think its got no effect, still getting the stuck mouse
> > problem.
> >
> > The code I added was;
> >
> > contents.getElement().setAttribute("draggable", "false");
> > contents.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("webkitUserDrag",
> > "none");
> > contents.getElement().setPropertyBoolean("draggable", false);
> >
> > (I tried "none" rather then false, but I think its supposed to be
> > false, I also tried just the last and just the first line)
> >
> > Heres the result;
> > (try moving it about like you would googlemaps)
> >
> > I think the problem is its being selected all the time. In Opera it
> > works fine, and I note nothing is selected.
> >
> > On Oct 6, 6:30 pm, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > On 6 oct, 14:34, ThomasWrobel <> wrote:
> >
> > > > reg "Basically is it possible for an image widget to be "transparent"
> > > > as
> > > > regards to click events, passing them to the panel under it?"
> >
> > > > Sorry to bump this, but I haven't been able to find a solution myself
> > > > apart from very crude work-arounds.
> > > > It seems like something fundamental I should know how to do too...if
> > > > it exists.
> > > > So a confirmation/denial from someone would be nice :)
> >
> > > AFAICT, when you start dragging the image it... starts dragging the
> > > image... AFAICT, you should be able to bypass this behavior setting
> > > the 'draggable' attribute (from the upcoming HTML5) to "false", and
> > > for WebKit (or at least, Safari) which exhibit a similar behavior, set
> > > the CSS style property -webkit-user-drag to none
> >

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