
I am experiencing really slow times (30-40 seconds) when I refresh the
page on safari or firefox. It almost seems to recompile the full app
every single time I hit refresh. I don't even change anything, and
this the app you get when you create new Web App in eclipse. Meanwhile
the browser hangs like it's supposed to when making a synchronous
server request.

Specs: Eclipse 3.5, Mac OS 10.6, Java 6 64-bit (tried with 32-bit 5
and 6), GWT 2.0 RC2 and GPE 1.2 RC2 (tried RC1 for both of those too.

And running it with the -Dgwt=perflog=true VM argument I receive this:

perf? OophmSessionHandler?.loadModule Main 838ms

perf? ModuleDef?.refresh 35ms
perf? ResourceOracleImpl?.refresh 1ms
perf? ResourceOracleImpl?.refresh 23ms
perf? ResourceOracleImpl?.refresh 9ms
perf? TypeOracleMediator?.addNewUnits 165ms
perf? ModuleSpace?.onLoad 511ms
perf? Generator 'com.google.gwt.uibinder.rebind.UiBinderGenerator?'
produced 'com.company.mypackage.web.client.Application.Binder' 21ms
perf? TypeOracleMediator?.addNewUnits 0ms
perf? Generator
perf? TypeOracleMediator?.addNewUnits 0ms
perf? Generator 'com.google.gwt.i18n.rebind.LocaleInfoGenerator?'
produced 'com.google.gwt.i18n.client.impl.LocaleInfoImpl?' 14ms
perf? TypeOracleMediator?.addNewUnits 0ms
perf? Generator 'com.google.gwt.i18n.rebind.LocalizableGenerator?'
produced 'com.google.gwt.i18n.client.impl.CldrImpl?' 0ms

Which doesn't tell me where the 30-40 seconds are being spent.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


On Nov 8, 1:31 pm, lowecg2004 <chris.lowe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Andrey,
> The initial load can be fairlyslowbut after the first load, are you
> using the hosted browser's refresh button?  This will make subsequent
> loads much quicker.
> Cheers,
> Chris.
> On Nov 8, 8:21 am, Andrey <mino...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello!
> > WhyOOPHM(and in before hosted mode) is soslow?
> > My application takes about 30-40 sec to start inOOPHM.
> > I am using GXT. System is: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz, 4 Gb RAM.
> > I've reduced number of remote services from 20 to 3, but it didn't
> > help a lot.
> > What takes so much time?
> > Am I right that is verification of the code to conform GWT's Java
> > language subset?
> > So, why not make a checkbox "don't verify code" to give an opportunity
> > to run code fast and check it only periodically, say once a day.
> > Thanks in advance!
> > Andrey


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