Looks like I have finally solved the problem.

The case was something like this.
I am using ExtGWT which has a class TreePanel with an inner class
TreeNode, which looks like below:

public class TreePanel<M extends ModelData> {

    class TreeNode {
      private M data;

And, since the TreeNode class is public inside TreePanel, I was
directly using TreeNode class in my code.

I would do:

import ......TrePanel.TreeNode;

TreeNode node = xxxxxxxxxxxx;

As you can see, TreeNode internally uses the type M, which is not
defined in the above kind of usage.
And GWT compiler gets confused when it sees this.

I solved this problem by removing the import statement as accessing
the TreeNode only in the context of the outer class(TreePanel) like

TreePanel<MyModeldata>.TreeNode node = xxxxx;

This solved the issue.

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