As a temporary workaround since I've already burned a whole day on
this one, I just refactored several inner classes to the top level.
It just compiled.

I think my case may have actually done something similar, only where
(to use Raman's example) it actually defined TreePanel.TreeNode as
part of a method signature, without specifying any type on the

This stuff all used to compile fine, so hopefully my other projects
don't require too much refactoring, but at least there seem to be ways
to work around it.  Thanks for the post, Raman.


On Jan 8, 4:23 am, Raman <> wrote:
> Looks like I have finally solved the problem.
> The case was something like this.
> I am using ExtGWT which has a class TreePanel with an inner class
> TreeNode, which looks like below:
> public class TreePanel<M extends ModelData> {
> ------------
> -------------
>     class TreeNode {
>       ------------
>       -----------
>       private M data;
>     }
> ----------
> }
> And, since the TreeNode class is public inside TreePanel, I was
> directly using TreeNode class in my code.
> I would do:
> import ......TrePanel.TreeNode;
> -------------
> --------------
> TreeNode node = xxxxxxxxxxxx;
> As you can see, TreeNode internally uses the type M, which is not
> defined in the above kind of usage.
> And GWT compiler gets confused when it sees this.
> I solved this problem by removing the import statement as accessing
> the TreeNode only in the context of the outer class(TreePanel) like
> this:
> TreePanel<MyModeldata>.TreeNode node = xxxxx;
> This solved the issue.
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