Hi everybody! I meat the following problem.  When my GWT app is
started it is very necessary to make an asynchronous call - to gether
some data.   If i make this call directly from OnModuleLoad() method -
then i getting the result, but when I putting the call of my method in
a thread:

OnModuleLoad() {

Runnable a = new Rannable()
public void run()
     RS.rmiService(new AsyncCallback<String>(){
     public void onFailure(Throwable a)
     public void onSuccess(String result)




then I receive NOTHING - there is no any popup window with the result
of my Async;

So, what I doing wrong ? May be I just not correctly work with threads
in GWT, or  may be they are not supported in GWT? Please, help me with
your advice - how can I receive the result of my async method from
separate thread.

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