Thanks to your all for answers on my question! I'll try to call the
run() method ( how can I\ forgot to call it))  ). But I thinking that
it will not helps me...

Actually, I have the one concrete task - create some similarity to
monitoring system. My software must receive data from DataBase and
represent it without any delays. Server's part of App based on summary
of Sockets, Rmi technologies. And Client part of app - of course GWT
GUI. Both of them connects through RPC AsyncCall. (it's just a
standart GWT's scheme applications )  So, the real question is about
possibility to create these app.. As I rightly understood, the only
way I can use to get data from Server Side - is to use RPC call to
server's method  and I can NOT do this in an infinite loop because It
will interrupt my app's logic. And also I can NOT use for this
purposes threads - due to signle-threadness of JavaSript. Am I right
about that I can just simulate a real-time data receiving through
using GWT's timer and each time when a timer will expired I'll have to
make a RPC call to Server Side to getting the data ?

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