@Diego: I think we have a misunderstanding here: it's just an example,
what's more important: his message and explanation...

On Feb 5, 4:28 pm, Diego Lovison <diegolovi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi..
> @getaceres I suggest dont use @GwtTransient in your example.. if you
> dont put the annotation your application will work fine ;)
> On 5 fev, 11:22, Ed <post2edb...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > Thanks for the clear example getaceres.
> > I think you can come up with plenty examples that the above annotation
> > idea is just too simple... It's nice ofcourse and welcome but for
> > bigger app simple not acceptable..
> > Above you already explain the problems you can have during
> > compilation.
> > In larger projects you often have different teams that are responsible
> > for parts of the software.
> > Suppose you have a team that does the backend and a team that does the
> > front end.
> > Suppose the front-end is using the above notation and all of sudden
> > the backend team decides to refactor their persist domain model such
> > that the introduce stuff that is simple not supported by GWT...
> > Brrrrr...
> > I don't think you want dependencies like that...  Not even to think
> > about the consequences for the front-end ...
> > Said that, there is another good reason to decouple these objects...
> > Have a look at martin fowler his website, I can remember he having a
> > nice discussion on his website about DTO's.
> > Anyway: the DTO's have a completely different purpose then Domain
> > objects, like the words already explain. DTO's simple transfer results
> > in a fashion the front-end wants it....
> > So it's very good possible that you merge the result of several domain
> > objects and send that as one DTO over the line to the front-end...
> > Especially in case of large data set's this can save you a lot of
> > traffic and as such creates a better user experience... Also, in case
> > of different clients, you can fine tune your results for different
> > clients..
> > Probably I can come up with more examples... but I think I made my
> > point...:)...
> > Myself I use dozer, I am not very font of it, but it's the best option
> > I have at this moment. I have to say that I use my own patched dozer
> > version: fixed some bugs that are still in it, and optimized it, like
> > for for Hibernate proxy and collection usage.
> > Cheers,
> > Ed

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