There have been problems with versions of JDK 1.6.0_X, where X is between
0-15, where breakpoints are not hit when debugging. However, it is odd that
your server breakpoints consistently work, but your client breakpoints do
not; in those cases where the JDK has been the source of the problem, the
breakpoints don't work at all (on either side).

What is the URL that you're pasting into your browser? Can you provide a
screenshot of what the development mode view looks like (I want to make sure
that there is an entry for the web browser)?

What happens if you set the breakpoint in the onModuleLoad() method within
your entry point?

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 11:16 PM, urbanus <> wrote:

> Debugging a default "GreetingService" application from Eclipse works
> fine -- including breakpoints in the server code -- but breakpoints in
> the client code aren't triggered.
> I installed GWT 2.0.1, plus the GWT 2.0.1 plugin for Eclipse.  I
> generated a new, default project from the command-line, added it as an
> Eclipse project, went to "Properties" and set the "Web Toolkit" to
> 2.0.1.  I can debug it as a "Web Application" and it appears on the
> new "Development Mode" panel in Eclipse.
> I pasted the URL into Firefox and was prompted to install the plugin
> -- OK.  Restarted Firefox, the plugin seems to be talking to Eclipse
> (if I stop Development Mode in Eclipse, the page is greyed out and
> "GWT Code Server Disconnected" is displayed).
> Debugging works fine in the *server* code: I can set breakpoints in
> and step, etc.  But if I set a breakpoint in
> the *client* code (such as the sendNameToServer() method) the code
> runs but the breakpoints are never hit.
> System: Eclipse 3.5, Fedora 11, Java "1.6.0_0" "build 14.0-b16".
> Thanks,
> Dave
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