On Feb 11, 3:52 pm, Jonas Huckestein <jonas.huckest...@me.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> does anybody know why the xs linker does not support code-splitting?
> Are there any other features that are not fully supported?
> I am currently trying to build a framework that allows for easy wave
> gadget development in GWT (including side-by-side testing of gadgets
> in hosted mode). Given the shortcomings of the gwt-gadget linker
> (which produces only one huge code file instead of one for each
> permutation), we were trying to figure out what else we could do over
> at the wave dev group. (you can follow the discussion 
> here:http://groups.google.com/group/google-wave-api/browse_thread/thread/2...
> )
> It would be nice to get some statement on this from a googler. Since
> Wave is developed using GWT I would like to be able to develop
> extensions using GWT, as well.
> Cheers,
> Jonas
> --
> Jonas Huckesteinhttp://thezukunft.com

Hi Jonas,

Yes, the iframe (std) linker was the only official primary linker set
up to handle code splitting. I only use that linker and haven't dug
too deeply, so I don't know if that was done because of a fundamental
problem, for performance/efficiency reasons, or if was just left as an
exercise to developers since there wasn't much of a call for it.

If it's one of the latter two, it shouldn't be hard to adapt code from
the iframe and selectionscript linkers and incorporate it into a
version of the xs linker. If you aren't already familiar with it, the
key method is doEmitCompilation() in SelectionScriptLinker.
CompilationResult artifacts have a String array of the js code
associated with that permutation, each entry containing a code
fragment. The linker prepares the primary fragment to load correctly,
but subsequent fragments are just output directly to a matching


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