hi emarc,

since u are familiar with vaadin, can i ask u an question regarding
vaadin demo?

Why every click from the demo will send a request to server to
retrieve something like this :

for(;;);[{"changes":[["change",{"format": "uidl","pid": "PID0"},["0",
{"id": "PID0","height": "719px","width": "1440px","caption": "Native
window }> Vaadin Sampler","name": "407096448","theme": "sampler-
{"src": "http:\/\/demo.vaadin.com\/sampler\/696850590\/","name":
"_blank","width":500,"height":200,"border": "none"}],["1",{"id":
"PID1","cached":true}],["actions",{}]]]], "meta" : {}, "resources" :
{}, "locales":[]}]

this is the demo behavior or vaadin behavior which every widget will
need to retrieve some data from server?

On Mar 30, 9:26 pm, emarc <marc.engl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> It occurs to me that the Vaadin Directory that was launched today
> might actually be an interesting resource for GWT 
> widgets.http://vaadin.com/directory
> (Also, I'm personally quite excited about it, and want spread the word
> - feedback welcome!)
> It's not a plain GWT resource, since it's actually for Vaadin add-ons,
> but since these usually have a client-side in GWT, and most are Apache
> 2.0, it might be quite useful.
> At least I know I personally try to make the client-side of my Vaadin
> components with 'plain GWT' use in mind. Just as an example:
> PasswordField (a simple text field with chroma-hash and caps-lock
> warninghttp://vaadin.com/directory#addon/77) is planned to be
> published as a GWT widget when I get around to it, but the page links
> to the SVN repository, so you could just get it from there and start
> using...
> Please still note that not all of the add-ons are relevant if you're
> not actually using Vaadin.
> Oh, and of course the whole Directory is built with Vaadin, and thus
> everything you see is GWT :-)
> On the tooling side, if you're using eclipse and the vaadin plugin,
> you just drop the jar in your lib, and the GWT stuff is automatically
> recompiled (I think we might be the first to package GWT widgets like
> this?)
> Also, if you have made some awesome GWT widget, you could wrap it as a
> Vaadin add-on and charge for it in the Directory. Personally I like
> Apache 2.0, though, keep that in mind ;-)
> Anyway, check it out, and feedback welcome - in this thread, or better
> (since not everyone here will be interested) over at the Vaadin forum.
> Best Regards,
> Marc

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