Hi everyone,

I'm in the middle of integrating a RichTextArea into an existing
project (GWT 1.7.1) - I've found to my surprise with the code below
that the onBlur handler is simply never being called.  I'm developing
on Windows 7 and testing in FF3.6, Safari 4 and IE8. Behavior is the
same across the board.

The onFocus log item appears correctly when, for example, the user
clicks into the editor but onBlur is never called.

Any ideas?

        editor.addFocusHandler(new HandlesAllFocusEvents()
            public void onFocus(FocusEvent focusEvent)

            // todo blur appears to be not getting called at all!!
            public void onBlur(BlurEvent blurEvent)
                GwtTools.log("Lost focus");

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