
I am quite happy using client bundles and css resources as described in the GWT documentation. They provide many advantages over the 'regular' static css style-sheet. Also looking at the amount of code already written for my project, I will not switch that lightly.
It is working well if only a single gwt module is used inside a page.
To increase the flexibility of my application I am looking for a way to plug in additional modules based on the same custom widgets and styles as my main application. It should be possible, to integrate an additional module, without compiling all other modules as well. Currently the only way seems to be, to include the same styles over and over again. As the obfuscated style names will always be different from one compiled module to the other.

Is there any compile option I am missing that would generate identical style-names for different modules?

Greetings, Tobias

BimboJones schrieb:

You can add <stylesheet src='your.css'/> to the *.gwt.xml.

On 28 Maio, 15:37, Tobias Herrmann <t.herrm...@alkacon.com> wrote:
No, that is not what I was looking for. I know how to use the same
CssResource across several widgets.
In my case, I need to share the same resource across several modules,
not compiled together but one after the other.

Mark schrieb:> I am not sure if this is exactly what you want to do - but have 
a look
at this page:
On 28 Mai, 16:25, tobirius <t.herrm...@alkacon.com> wrote:
Hi all,
In my application I need to include several gwt modules into a page.
They all inherit from the same base module which provides some
Is it possible to inject the css of these resources only once using it
across all included modules?
Currently I need to inject the same styles for each module as the
obfuscated class names differe from one module to the other.
Is there any way to ensure the same class names at different compile
Greetings, Tobias

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