
I want to perform a size calculation on a composite generated by
UiBinder, using UIObject.getOffsetWidth(). The composite's ui.xml
(simplified) looks like this:

                .test {
                        width: 80px;
                        height: 50px;
        <g:HTMLPanel styleName="{style.test}">

When I execute getOffsetWidth() during onModuleLoad(), the result is
987 (the same as the body's width in my case). That's quite
understandable: I assume, the CSS from the ui.xml isn't applied yet.

So I put getOffsetWidth() in a DeferredCommand, and now it returns 80,
which is correct.

But I'm a bit worried, that this may actually be a race condition: Can
I be sure, that the CSS will be fully loaded, before the
DeferredCommand gets its turn? Or is there a better place to put that


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