Nope, and the alternate plan won't work either; since GWT1.5 the code
has made full use of the generics and other features available in Java
1.5.  To use java 1.4 you'd have to go back to GWT 1.4, and I don't
believe the RPC formats are compatible such that you could do the
server in 1.4 and the client in 2.0.

On Jun 7, 4:56 am, Ravuthakumar <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does GWT 2.0 requires JSDK 1.5 or higher version?
> There is a limitation, we have to use only jdk1.4.
> Other thought is, use 1.5 in deveopment environment(till compiling to
> JS) then 1.4 during runtime. Is it possible? I wish to utilize the
> features in GWT 2.0(latest version).
> Planning to use GWT RPC for communication. Server side it is spring +
> hibernate(JDK 1.4 compatiple version).
> Thanks for you time,
> Regards,
> Ravuthakumar

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