Thanks to all, the limitation is due to other dependent components/
Migrating all applications is not a viable option now, thanks for your

On Jun 7, 11:45 pm, Jim Douglas <> wrote:
> Just out of interest...what's keeping you on 1.4?  It reached EOSL
> more than a year and a half ago:
> On Jun 7, 3:56 am, Ravuthakumar <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Does GWT 2.0 requires JSDK 1.5 or higher version?
> > There is a limitation, we have to use only jdk1.4.
> > Other thought is, use 1.5 in deveopment environment(till compiling to
> > JS) then 1.4 during runtime. Is it possible? I wish to utilize the
> > features in GWT 2.0(latest version).
> > Planning to use GWT RPC for communication. Server side it is spring +
> > hibernate(JDK 1.4 compatiple version).
> > Thanks for you time,
> > Regards,
> > Ravuthakumar- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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