I am integrating a 3rd party JavaScript library into my GWT 2.0
application and I have succeeded in invoking the libary using basic
JSNI but I want to take the integration even further so that callers
of the library never have to code any JSNI, if possible.  The 3rd
party library has a class Foo with a JSON structure as a constructore
parameter.  The structure contains simple properties as well as
predefined functions where users of this library can place custom own
behavior.  Foo will call those functions to invoke the custom behavior
at time of is own choosing.  In the example below I have shown 2
functions called 'onBeforeCompute' and 'onAfterCompute' which would be
invoked during Foo's loadData prcoess.  The normal JSNI implementation
would look something like this:

public native JavaScriptObject setUp() /*-{
var config = {
  prop1: 'val1',
  prop2: 'val2',
  onBeforeCompute: function(someparam) {
    // do something custom here
  onAfterCompute: function(someparam1, someparam2) {
    // do something custom here
var foo = $wnd.Foo(config);

I would like to wrap all of this code up so that my applications that
use the 3rd party library never have to code any JSNI, if possible.  I
am envisioning something like this:

public class MyWidget extends Composite
        public MyWidget()
          Config config = new Config();
          config.setOnBeforeHandler(new MyOnBeforeComputeHandler());
          config.setOnAfterHandler(new MyOnAfterComputeHandler());
          Foo foo1 = new Foo(config);
          SimplePanel panel = new SimplePanel(foo1);

public class MyOnBeforeComputeHandler implements
OnBeforeComputeHandler // interface definition excluded for brevity
        public void onBeforeCompute(JavaScriptObject someparam)
          // do something custom here

public class MyOnAfterComputeHandler implements
OnAfterComputeHandler // interface definition excluded for brevity
        public void onAfterComputeHandler(JavaScriptObject someparam1,
JavaScriptObject someparam2)
          // do something custom here

Setting the simple properties on the Config class is easy - I can
simply use the JSONObject, but I do not know how to deal with the
onBeforeCompute and onAfterCompute functions that are part of the
Config object

public class Config
  private JSONObject jsonPeer = new JSONObject();
        public void setProp1(String value){ jsonPeer.put ("prop1", value)};
        public void setProp2(String value){ jsonPeer.put ("prop2", value)};
        public asJson() {return jsonPeer.getJavaScriptObject());
        public void setPreLoadHandler(PreLoadHandler handler) { ??? }
        public void setPostLoadHandler(PostLoadHandler handler) { ??? }

Am I on the right track?  Is there a better way?

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