On 14 juin, 20:28, markmccall <markwmcc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am integrating a 3rd party JavaScript library into my GWT 2.0
> application and I have succeeded in invoking the libary using basic
> JSNI but I want to take the integration even further so that callers
> of the library never have to code any JSNI, if possible.  The 3rd
> party library has a class Foo with a JSON structure as a constructore
> parameter.

JSON is a data format, what you're talking about is a JavaScript
object, which you probably generally write directly as an object
literal (the thing within braces, with comma-separated name:value

> The structure contains simple properties as well as
> predefined functions where users of this library can place custom own
> behavior.  Foo will call those functions to invoke the custom behavior
> at time of is own choosing.  In the example below I have shown 2
> functions called 'onBeforeCompute' and 'onAfterCompute' which would be
> invoked during Foo's loadData prcoess.  The normal JSNI implementation
> would look something like this:
> public native JavaScriptObject setUp() /*-{
> var config = {
>   prop1: 'val1',
>   prop2: 'val2',
>   onBeforeCompute: function(someparam) {
>     // do something custom here
>   },
>   onAfterCompute: function(someparam1, someparam2) {
>     // do something custom here
>   }};
> var foo = $wnd.Foo(config);
> foo.loadData(...)
> }-*/
> I would like to wrap all of this code up so that my applications that
> use the 3rd party library never have to code any JSNI, if possible.  I
> am envisioning something like this:
> public class MyWidget extends Composite
> {
>         public MyWidget()
>         {
>           Config config = new Config();
>           config.setProp1("val1");
>           config.setProp2("val2");
>           config.setOnBeforeHandler(new MyOnBeforeComputeHandler());
>           config.setOnAfterHandler(new MyOnAfterComputeHandler());
>           Foo foo1 = new Foo(config);
>           SimplePanel panel = new SimplePanel(foo1);
>           initWidget(panel);
>           foo1.loadData(...);
>         }
> }
> public class MyOnBeforeComputeHandler implements
> OnBeforeComputeHandler // interface definition excluded for brevity
> {
>         public void onBeforeCompute(JavaScriptObject someparam)
>         {
>           // do something custom here
>         }
> }
> public class MyOnAfterComputeHandler implements
> OnAfterComputeHandler // interface definition excluded for brevity
> {
>         public void onAfterComputeHandler(JavaScriptObject someparam1,
> JavaScriptObject someparam2)
>         {
>           // do something custom here
>         }
> }
> Setting the simple properties on the Config class is easy - I can
> simply use the JSONObject, but I do not know how to deal with the
> onBeforeCompute and onAfterCompute functions that are part of the
> Config object
> public class Config
> {
>   private JSONObject jsonPeer = new JSONObject();

Why not use a JavaScriptObject "overlay type"?

>         public void setProp1(String value){ jsonPeer.put ("prop1", value)};
>         public void setProp2(String value){ jsonPeer.put ("prop2", value)};
>         public asJson() {return jsonPeer.getJavaScriptObject());
>         public void setPreLoadHandler(PreLoadHandler handler) { ??? }
>         public void setPostLoadHandler(PostLoadHandler handler) { ??? }
> }
> Am I on the right track?  Is there a better way?

Re-written as an overlay type:

public final class Config extends JavaScriptObject {
  public static Config newInstance() /*-{ }-*/;

  protected Config() { }

  public native void setProp1(String value) /*-{ this.prop1 = value; }-
  public native void setProp2(String value) /*-{ this.prop2 = value;}-
  public native void setPreLoadHandler(PreLoadHandler handler) /*-{
    var that = this;
    this.onBeforeCompute = $entry(function(someparam) {
  public native void setPostLoadHandler(PostLoadHandler handler) /*-{
    var that = this;
    this.onBeforeCompute = $entry(function(someparam) {
JavaScriptObject;)(someparam1, someparam2);

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