On 06/28/2010 12:12 PM, barbe...@muohio.edu wrote:
> Alright, so I have attempted to learn this JSON business, and have run
> into some issues. I followed the tutorial at:
> http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/tutorial/JSON.html
> Once I thought I understood it, I began to implement it within my
> project. However, I cannot successfully retrieve the data. I have a
> Data.php file that successfully connects to my server and reads in the
> data, and formats as JSON data should be. Yet, when I run my project,
> I get an HTTP response code of 0, and thus no data returned.
> I believe the problem to be with my url. I have noticed that the way
> the tutorial above is set up, the user of the stock watcher
> application must enter a symbol, and then the url is adjusted to
> request that symbol. However, I have coded my Data.php to output all
> entries in the table, as I want to access and display all entries upon
> startup. Therefore, I am confused as to how my url should be formated.
> Here is the code for my Data.php, excluding username and password
> info:
> <?
>         header('Content-Type: text/javascript');
>       header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
>       header('Pragma: no-cache');
>       //username and password stuff here
>       $con = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
>       mysql_select_db($db, $con);
>       echo '[';
>       $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sampleTreeTable");
>       $i = 0;
>       while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
>               if($i > 0) {
>                       echo ',';
>               }
>               $tItem = $row['treeItem'];
>               $tInfo = $row['treeInfo'];
>               echo '{';
>               echo "\"treeItem\":\"$tItem\",";
>               echo "\"treeInfo\":\"$tInfo";
>               echo '}';
>               $i = $i + 1;
>       }
>       echo ']';
> ?>
> This outputs my simple little test data as:
> [{"treeItem":"Requirements","treeInfo":"5},
> {"treeItem":"Decisions","treeInfo":"4},
> {"treeItem":"Tradeoffs","treeInfo":"6},{"treeItem":"Co-
> occurances","treeInfo":"8}]

I think the zero result is caused by violating Same Origin Policy.
Please ensure that's not happening.

Also, I'd suggest not creating the response "by hand"
PHP provides a json encoder. For example:
json_encode(array (response_nonce => $_GET['openid_response_nonce'],
openid_identity => $_GET['openid_identity'])));

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