Thank you for your reply.

I did know that I had to add the element before calling those methods,
but sure enough I had forgotten that the panel in line 4 hadn't been
added yet, as it was part of a cascade of constructors. Your reply
helped me point that one out.



On Jul 1, 10:55 am, Daniel Simons <> wrote:
> i) The problem here is that you are trying to reference an element that has
> not yet been added to the dom.
> Check where you are adding the element...most likely a you have a call to
> RootPanel.get().add(elem).  Be sure that this happens before calling
> getElementsById().
> ii) I prefer to create my own Generic Widgets by extending ComplexPanel.
>  This is helpful because you can pass in any tag name that you'd like:
> public class ContainerTag extends ComplexPanel{
>     public ContainerTag(String tagName) {
>         setElement(DOM.createElement(tagName));
>     }
> }
> Then you can use: ContainerTag div = new ContainerTag("div");
> Daniel
> On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 12:13 PM, giacomo <> wrote:
> > Hi everyone!
> > =========
> > I'm facing a problem with Document.get().getElementById(String) (in
> > Java) and $doc.getElementById(String) (in JavaScript) returning nulls.
> > My design goal is to define a <div> element in the Java code and add
> > it to the document, so that I can then retrieve it in the JSNI method
> > and use JavaScript libraries to draw stuff within it.
> > ============
> > To make problem description simpler, here is my GWT code:
> > 1       protected void draw() {
> > 2               String id = "divId";
> > 3               HTML divElement = new HTML("<div id=\'" + id + "\'>Hello
> > World</
> > div>");
> > 4               getChartPanel().add(divElement); //getChartPanel() returns
> > a Panel
> > 5               Window.alert("The element ID is " + id);
> > 6               Element element = Document.get().getElementById(id);
> > 7               Window.alert("The GWT element ID is " + element.getId());
> > 8               drawJS(id);
> > 9       }
> > 10
> > 11      public static native void drawJS(String divID) /*-{
> > 12              $wnd.alert("The JS element ID is " + divID);
> > 13              var chartPanel1 = $doc.getElementById(divID);
> > 14              $wnd.alert("The chart panel is " + chartPanel1);
> > 15              var chartPanel2 = document.getElementById(divID);
> > 16              $wnd.alert("The chart panel is " + chartPanel2);
> > 17              chartPanel.innerHTML("Hello, World!");
> > 18      }-*/;
> > When the draw() method is called I get the following:
> > i)      Window on line 5 pops up with "The element ID is divId";
> > ii)     Window on line 7 pops up with "The GWT element ID is null";
> > iii)    Window on line 12 pops up with "The JS element ID is divId";
> > iv)     Window on line 14 pops up with "The chart panel is null";
> > v)      Window on line 16 pops up with "The chart panel is null"; and
> > vi)     A JavaScriptException is raised in development mode at line 17:
> > -----------------------------------------------------------
> > 09:50:16.235 [ERROR] [sensor_network] Uncaught exception escaped
> > (ReferenceError):
> > chartPanel is not defined
> >  fileName:
> >  lineNumber: 7
> >  stack: ("divId")@
> > @:0
> > -----------------------------------------------------------
> > ========
> > I inspected the Web page with FireBug and the <div> element with id =
> > "divId" DOES exist after it is added in the Java code. However,
> > neither the Java nor the JavaScript methods are able to retrieve it.
> > ==========
> > i)      What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?
> > ii)     Is there a better way to add a <div> element in Java and pass it
> > to a JavaScript method, so that the latter can use it to add stuff
> > (e.g., JavaScript-based charts) in it?
> > Thank you.
> > G.
> > --
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