Yeah, it takes a while to start thinking Asynchronously. But Andreas
has the right of it. You no longer think of it as call myMethod() to
return the ArrayList<String>; you have to think of it is:

1) What do I want my user to do to request the data. (Or my program,
like on start up you want the data).
        Here is where you will call your service with the callback


2) When I get this data, what do I want to do with it?
         That is what you put in your onSuccess method.

Once you get the mentality down, it's extremely powerful and your web
pages will show it.

On Jul 2, 9:45 am, andreas <> wrote:
> Welcome to the async world! ;-)
> I had the same problem. Since the code of an async callback is not
> executed in the order of the statements in your myMethod() you can not
> directly return the results from onSuccess() in myMethod(). And
> myMethod() is not able to "wait" for onSuccess().
> You could for example do the things you want to do with
> ArrayList<String> in onSuccess() instead of where you call myMethod()
> of if you want to keep the processing logic for ArrayList<String>
> where myMethod() is called use a method to pass ArrayList<String> from
> onSuccess().
> You can think of it as separating the logic in two methods:
> 1) first one does initial stuff and then requests something via RPC
> (in your example via myMethod() but with return type void)
> 2) second one is called by onSuccess() passing the results of the RPC
> and continues with the requested data where first method "ends"
> Hope it helps,
> Andreas
> On 2 Jul., 14:50, day_trader <> wrote:
> > At present, an AsyncCallback contains a 'public void onSuccess()'
> > method. This is posing significant problems for me at the moment.
> > I have a method myMethod() being called which has a return value type
> > of ArrayList<String>. MyMethod contains this AsynCallback which is
> > used to query a database on the server side of the code. I need to,
> > either somehow make the method WAIT for the AsyncCallback's
> > onSuccess() method to return which is the thing that is giving me the
> > ArrayList<String> to return to the code which called myMethod, or
> > change the return type of the AsyncCallback to ArrayList<String> and
> > let this be the 'return' of myMethod.
> > Is this possible? Am I very confused? Could someone please advise?

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