On 31 août, 17:00, Joe Hudson <joe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> If I have a presenter that needs to populate a view that contains a
> FlowPanel which a list of custom widgets that contain some text and a
> hyperlink can anyone help me understand the best way of properly
> interfacing this out in the view?
> For example:
> public class MyPresenter {
>     public interface View {
>         // what interface method should I have to deal with a list of
> composite elements?
>     }
> }
> I'm thinking I need to make a new interface like HasLinkAndText and
> something like that but even with that I still need to deal with a
> list of these interface types.  If this question makes sense, I'd
> appreciate some help with this.  Thanks.

I'd use a CellList or CellTable in the view, so all you'd have to do
is to give the view the data and a ValueUpdater.
If you're not using GWT 2.1, I'd nevertheless follow this approach:
i.e. give the view a list of things to display, and a callback/
delegate to be informed when the user clicked a link, provided you
want to be notified back in this case (it could also take the form of
getting a HasSelectionHandlers from the view and listening to
SelectionEvents, it depends how you're "doing MVP").

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