On 6 Sep., 19:59, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But honestly, I don't understand how this design is any different from
> redirecting to the login page (unless maybe you have a "cancel" button
> that leaves you in the app, i.e. without reload)

Well, from my point of view it would be nice if the login form is
visually integrated into my app. I managed to size and center the
iframe so that it just opens as a popup.

However, I now have an external login page, totally outside of GWT,
but I am not happy with all that. First, my app  loads. Then, when I
request the login, it unloads and loads the external login page, and
then, after login, my app loads again. This is a very time consuming
process. And the login page itself does not fit into the visual design
of the app at all...

I wonder why we have to research on this topic. It must be a problem
that almost all GWT developers must also have. Why isn't there a
generic recommendation, or even a solution within GWT? I have the
feeling that we are inventing some wheels here.

As I already said, I am totally unhappy with this solution, and I hope
some GWT developers point me/us into a better direction someday...


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