Thanks Brian, I will give this a try. But it make sense when I read
your comment.

On 15 okt, 00:52, Brian <> wrote:
> aEvent.getSelectedItem() retuns a TreeItem, not a String.  So in your
> onSelection() method, you want to do something else than compare it
> with a string literal.  For instance..
> aItem.addItem("Item 1");
> TreeItem cs = new TreeItem("Item 2");
> cs.setUserObject("Configured Solutions");
> aItem.addItem(cs);
> ...
>  aTree.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<TreeItem>()   {
> public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<TreeItem> aEvent)  {
>   String userObj = (String) aEvent.getSelectedItem().getUserObject();
>    if (userObj != null && userObj.equals("Configured Solutions")){
>      Window.alert("Hello Adis");
>    }
> }
> On Oct 14, 5:27 pm, SeniorBeginner <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I spend 2 hours searching for a way to get the SelectionHandler to
> > work but it fails...
> > Can you please help me out??
> > Here is my code that I use:
> > @Override public void onModuleLoad()
> >   {
> >     // Create a tree with a few items in it.
> >     aItem.addItem("Item 1");
> >     aItem.addItem("Item 2");
> >     aItem.addItem("Item 3");
> >     // define aTree and add the root item to it
> >     Tree aTree = new Tree();
> >     aTree.addItem(aItem);
> >     // create Split Layout
> >     SplitLayoutPanel p = new SplitLayoutPanel();
> >     // add SplitLayout to RootPanel
> >     RootLayoutPanel.get().add(p);
> >     // define the SplitLayout components
> >     p.addWest(aTree, 200);
> >     p.addNorth(new HTML("list"), 384);
> >     p.add(new HTML("list"));
> >     // add ItemListener
> >     aTree.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<TreeItem>()
> >       {
> >         @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<TreeItem>
> > aEvent)
> >         {
> >           if (aEvent.getSelectedItem().equals("Configured Solutions"))
> >           {
> >             Window.alert("Hello Adis");
> >           }
> >         }
> >       });
> > /*    aTree.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<TreeItem>()
> >       {
> >         @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<TreeItem>
> > event)
> >         {
> >           Window.alert("Hello SB");
> >         }
> >       });*/
> >   }
> > Thanks for your input!
> > Regards,
> > SB

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