After watching gwt 2.1 release doc, I am exciting to try out editor
framework and the request factory.
Currently I had already successfully retieve of a eventProxy from my
mongodb using requestFactory.I am trying to glue the eventProxy to the
editor framework.
I follow the MVP idea which the presenter would tranfer the eventProxy
to the view layer for editing so my view is now implementing
Since my eventProxy contain lots of property, which a single class
would be too large, I wish to logically divide the eventProxy into
three part like (name1,name2,name3), (time1,time2,time3) ,
I had follow design at hand

        class eventPresenter   // (injected 1 viewEditor)

        class eventView  extends Editor<EventProxy>  // (injected 1
namesEditor, 1 timesEditor,injected 1 locationsEditor)

        class namesEditor extends Composite implements Editor<EventProxy>

        class timesEditor extends Composite implements  Editor<EventProxy>

        class locationsEditor extends Composite implements Editor<EventProxy>

currently the eventPrenter contain the driver code like

        interface Driver extends
RequestFactoryEditorDriver<EventProxy, eventView >

should my view implemnts CompositeEditor<EventProxy> or
how can I link up the sub-editor nameEditor,timeEditor,locationEditor
with the eventEvent

or i should make three driver code in the presenter layer? like
interface Driver extends RequestFactoryEditorDriver<EventProxy,
interface Driver extends RequestFactoryEditorDriver<EventProxy,
interface Driver extends RequestFactoryEditorDriver<EventProxy,

Thanks for any hint

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