On 4 nov, 00:58, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3 nov, 22:39, Ed <post2edb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I like to know how others test their logica in complex widgets.
> > Example: I have a Form and FormField widget and the both extend from
> > Composite.
> > They contain logic that I would love to test in a unit test which is
> > hard.
> > Of course I could split this up in a MVP pattern, but that isn't very
> > elegant on widget level and too cumbersome in this case.
> > So this makes testing very hard... and it can only be done through the
> > slow GWTTestCase JUnit mechanism.
> > If I would have a Widget interface, I could easily mock the Form and
> > FormField with a test implementation containing the logic that I want
> > to test.
> > I am now considering these widgets to NOT extends from Composite
> > anymore such that I can create them in a not-gwt environment and test
> > them properly.
> > I then let Form and FormField implement HasAWidget interface that
> > contains a method Widget asWidget(), in case you want the associated
> > widget from Form and FormField..
> > It's an OK solution, but still a workaround because we don't have a
> > Widget interface.
> > I am suprised that not many people talk about this problem in the
> > community so maybe I am just missing something :(
> > I noticed this issue: 5275, that is similar:
> >http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5275
> > How do you do this?
> See my answer in the issue tracker; in brief, move from a "Passive
> View" pattern to a "Supervising Controller" pattern and you'll no
> longer see "widgets" in your presenter.

Oops, sorry, I read your post too fast and missed the point: you want
to test widgets, not an "MVP component".
Have a look at the Cell widgets' internals, they use MVP internally so
the presenter can be tested independently from the views.

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