Hej Mike,

GWT Rocks :D! A lot has changed since 2008. And i mean, A LOT. I know
that there is a way now to allow web crawlers to scan your app but I
don´t know how, since i´ve never used it so far. By default all of the
JS script is loaded at start, but you can use "code split" to split
your JS code where you want. I recommend that you check out the GWT
talks from Google I/O 2010 and 2009. Most of the talks aren´t that
newbie friendly, but you get an idea of the capabilities GWT has.

On Nov 8, 5:49 pm, "mike.cann" <mike.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> First post on this list. I have searched for this question before
> posting. The only answer I could come up with was from a post in 2008
> (http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/browse_thread/
> thread/c852ff3491f4d128/4b1d9c08a91e25ab?lnk=gst&q=suitable+for+entire
> +site#4b1d9c08a91e25ab) so I thought I would ask it again in case
> anything has changed.
> As a Flash / Flex developer new to web-dev im loving the extra
> structure and type safety offered by GWT so im really keen to use it
> exclusively for a new project.
> So my questions are:
> Is GWT suitable for writing an entire website? Specifically im looking
> to write a site that may sit within a Facebook iframe.
> Has the "GWT isnt web-crawlable" issue been solved now?
> Is the script for every page on your site downloaded at the start or
> is it downloaded as you click a link (as in a traditional site)?
> Are there any other barriers to making an entire site in GWT?
> Cheers,
> Mike

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