did you have a look at the giudes at 
? It describes how to create a gwt project with archetype:generate and
how to configure your pom in various ways.

Regards /Karl

On Nov 10, 11:04 am, Frank Bølviken <frank.bolvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone? :)
> Searched around the web, and I cant find one single guide on this
> subject which is good. There's always earlier versions of gwt, and
> guides which isnt working etc.
> Im thinking of a guide which either first creates the project via
> maven archetype:generate and importing into eclipse, or a guide where
> you create the project in eclipse with the google plugin, then moving
> source folders etc to fit the "maven kind of way" and creating a
> pom.xml.
> Any help would be really appreciated.
> Sincerly Frank B
> On Nov 9, 6:09 pm, Frank Bølviken <frank.bolvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for everyones help.. with my stupid questions. But hey... I
> > need to learn the best way.
> > Is there no help in getting a complete "guide" with the basic steps
> > from issuing mvn archetype:generate until deployment in a server 
> > ineclipsefor developing real time?
> > Thanks..
> > Frank B
> > On Nov 9, 10:40 am, Karl <karl.rest...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Frank!
> > > I had a rough last week trying to upgrade our application to 2.1, but
> > > I think I finally got it working when the gwt maven plugin was
> > > released. Relevant parts of the pom:
> > > <project>
> > > ...
> > > <properties>
> > >         <gwt.version>2.1.0</gwt.version>
> > > </properties>
> > > ...
> > > <build>
> > >         <finalName>${project.artifactId}</finalName>
> > >         <outputDirectory>${basedir}/war/WEB-INF/classes</outputDirectory>
> > >         <plugins>
> > >                 <!--EclipseProject Generation -->
> > >                 <plugin>
> > >                         <artifactId>maven-eclipse-plugin</artifactId>
> > >                         <configuration>
> > >                                 <additionalProjectnatures>
> > >                                         
> > > <projectnature>com.google.gwt.eclipse.core.gwtNature</
> > > projectnature>
> > >                                         
> > > <projectnature>com.google.gdt.eclipse.core.webAppNature</
> > > projectnature>
> > >                                 </additionalProjectnatures>
> > >                                 <additionalBuildcommands>
> > >                                         
> > > <buildcommand>com.google.gwt.eclipse.core.gwtProjectValidator</
> > > buildcommand>
> > >                                         
> > > <buildcommand>com.google.gdt.eclipse.core.webAppProjectValidator</
> > > buildcommand>
> > >                                 </additionalBuildcommands>
> > >                                 <classpathContainers>
> > >                                         
> > > <classpathContainer>org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER</
> > > classpathContainer>
> > >                                         
> > > <classpathContainer>com.google.gwt.eclipse.core.GWT_CONTAINER</
> > > classpathContainer>
> > >                                 </classpathContainers>
> > >                                 <excludes>
> > >                                         <!--These are provided by the GWT 
> > > container -->
> > >                                         
> > > <exclude>com.google.gwt:gwt-user</exclude>
> > >                                         
> > > <exclude>com.google.gwt:gwt-dev</exclude>
> > >                                 </excludes>
> > >                         </configuration>
> > >                 </plugin>
> > >                 <plugin>
> > >                         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
> > >                         <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId>
> > >                         <configuration>
> > >                                 
> > > <warSourceDirectory>${basedir}/war</warSourceDirectory>
> > >                                 
> > > <webappDirectory>${basedir}/war</webappDirectory>
> > >                         </configuration>
> > >                 </plugin>
> > >                 <plugin>
> > >                         <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
> > >                         <artifactId>gwt-maven-plugin</artifactId>
> > >                         <version>${gwt.version}</version>
> > >                         <configuration>
> > >                                 <module>our.module</module>
> > >                                 
> > > <warSourceDirectory>${basedir}/war</warSourceDirectory>
> > >                                 <inplace>true</inplace>
> > >                                 <i18nConstantsBundles>
> > >                                         
> > > <i18nConstantsBundle>our.gwt.shared.i18n.OurConstants</
> > > i18nConstantsBundle>
> > >                                 </i18nConstantsBundles>
> > >                                 <i18nMessagesBundles>
> > >                                         
> > > <i18nMessagesBundle>our.gwt.shared.i18n.OurMessages</
> > > i18nMessagesBundle>
> > >                                 </i18nMessagesBundles>
> > >                                 <localWorkers>2</localWorkers>
> > >                         </configuration>
> > >                         <executions>
> > >                                 <execution>
> > >                                         <id>Generation</id>
> > >                                         <phase>generate-sources</phase>
> > >                                         <goals>
> > >                                                 <goal>generateAsync</goal>
> > >                                                 <goal>i18n</goal>
> > >                                         </goals>
> > >                                 </execution>
> > >                                 <execution>
> > >                                         <id>Compilation</id>
> > >                                         <phase>prepare-package</phase>
> > >                                         <goals>
> > >                                                 <goal>compile</goal>
> > >                                         </goals>
> > >                                 </execution>
> > >                         </executions>
> > >                 </plugin>
> > >         </plugins>
> > > </build>
> > > ...
> > > <!-- Dependencies -->
> > > <dependencies>
> > > ...
> > > <!-- GWT -->
> > >         <dependency>
> > >                 <groupId>com.google.gwt</groupId>
> > >                 <artifactId>gwt-servlet</artifactId>
> > >                 <version>${gwt.version}</version>
> > >                 <scope>runtime</scope>
> > >         </dependency>
> > >         <dependency>
> > >                 <groupId>com.google.gwt</groupId>
> > >                 <artifactId>gwt-user</artifactId>
> > >                 <version>${gwt.version}</version>
> > >                 <scope>provided</scope>
> > >         </dependency>
> > > ...
> > > </dependencies>
> > > </project>
> > > The maveneclipseplugin should include the GWT SDK which is set as
> > > default in your project this way. One minor obstacle remains though:
> > > when running the debugger (developer mode) ineclipseit looks for /
> > > your/home/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/gwt-servlet/2.1.0/gwt-
> > > servlet.jar which does not exist. I solved this by copying and
> > > renaming gwt-servlet-2.1.0.jar in the same directory. I hope this
> > > helps out.
> > > Regards /Karl
> > > On Nov 7, 10:50 pm, Frank Bølviken <frank.bolvi...@gmail.com> wrote:> Hi,
> > > > Im so tired of searching around the internet and finding no good
> > > > answers to this subject.
> > > > Do anyone know of any good guide for creating a gwt 2.1 project in
> > > > maven, and fully integrating it witheclipse?
> > > > Gwt 2.1 is suppoed to be easier to integrate with maven, but I can't
> > > > get it to work properly.
> > > > Any pointers?
> > > > Thanks in advance,
> > > > Frank B

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