Is there anything similar to using java threads that I can use in my
client side code ?

In my application a user types a search term into a Text box. For
every character typed in my code goes and searches in a dataset for
results containing the search string. These results are then returned
and displayed in a List. But the problem is that because my search +
display code is so slow, it makes the typing in very sluggish for the
user (i.e. they can’t type the next character in until the search +
display code has returned).

Ideally I’d like to run the search+display code in a separate thread –
so that the user can continue to type in the Text box. But I
understand that threads are not supported in GWT client-side coding ?
Or is it possible to have the search + display in an only client-side
asynchronous call ?

Any help, much appreciated,

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