That above code does not work. I have tried it exactly. The only part
I removed was the import statements.

On Nov 23, 10:22 am, jhulford <> wrote:
> You can't do what you're asking.  A widget instance can only be added
> to a single parent container.
> The code you posted looks ok though, so I'm guessing you probably have
> a typo in your real code where you're trying to add the same instance
> of FirstClass to elementA and elementB, which will cause the error
> you're describing.
> On Nov 22, 12:00 am, Paul <> wrote:
> > Sorry if this is somewhere else and I missed it, but I have aCustom
> > Widget that I need to be able to addmultipletimesto anothercustom
> > widget I am creating. I do not seem to understand something about this
> > process and so I get the following errors:
> > "Different parents for double associations"
> > "The other component is added to a parent component more than once."
> > So basically, the first one gets nuked and only the second one shows
> > up. What am I missing? Can someone please assist me in understanding
> > what is wrong. Thank you so much in advance. Below is the code:
> > public class FirstClass extends Composite
> > {
> >      public FirstClass()
> >      {
> >           Image image = new Image("img/picture.png");
> >           AbsolutePanel element = new AbsolutePanel();
> >           element.add(image, 0, 0);
> >           initWidget(element);
> >      }
> > }
> > public class SecondClass extends Composite
> > {
> >      public SecondClass()
> >      {
> >           HorizontalPanel element = new HorizontalPanel();
> >           VerticalPanel elementA = new VerticalPanel();
> >           element.add(elementA);
> >           VerticalPanel elementB = new VerticalPanel();
> >           element.add(elementB);
> >           elementA.add(new FirstClass());
> >           elementB.add(new FirstClass());
> >           initWidget(element);
> >      }
> > }

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